2020 Supply Chain Award Winner
Ir. Didiek Purwanto, General Chairperson of Gapuspindo and President Director of Karunia Alam Sentosa Abadi (KASA) won an award in the form of the 2020 Supply Chain Award which was carried out based on voting for the public and livestock personnel in Indonesia. Meanwhile, before the open voting was conducted, the initial screening of each figure in the Indonesian beef cattle industry was first carried out.
The selection of winners is based on the results of the committee's assessment and the results of an open poll that has been conducted from 3-7 December 2020.
The final results of the committee's assessment and open poll are as follows:
1. Ir. Didiek Purwanto, IPU with a total score of 2,546 points
2. Adikelana Adiwoso with a total score of 1,891 points
3. Ir. Joko Iriantono with a total score of 1,863 points
4. drh. Nanang Purus Subendro with a total score of 1,337 points
In connection with the above assessment and open poll results, the committee decided Ir. Didiek Purwanto, IPU as the winner of Supply Chain Award 2020. The committee's decision has been agreed and approved by Meat & Livestock Australia, and this decision cannot be contested.
For more details click on: http://troboslivestock.com/detail-berita/2021/01/01/85/13817/konsisten-berkiprah-di-industri-sapi-potong
Doc: Trobos Magazine