Nutrition and Breeding Seminar Roadshow to 4 Cities (Lampung, Bandung, Medan & Surabaya)

Four major cities in Indonesia were our target for this seminar. Lampung, Bandung, Medan and Surabaya brought around 200+ participants from local industry, government and universities to experience first hand information from our Australian industry and government.
1. Northern Territory Cattlemen Association (NTCA) - Australian Breeders : Challenges and Opportunities From Australian Producer's Perspective
2. Southern Livestock Pty Ltd (Dr Steve Sutherland) - Nutrition for Different Breeding Phase : how to utilise local resources and what is essential to make breeding successful
3. Australasian Livestock Services (Dr Ross Ainsworth) - Health and Welfare Issues in Breeders : how to increase productivity and efficiency in breeding
4. Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry (Neil McDonald) - Case Study : Lesson learn from East Kalimantan
5. Bogor Agriculture University (Dr Jakaria) - The Roles of SPR to Support Indonesia Breeding Program and to answer future opportunities in cattle industry
6. Padjajaran University (Dr Ir Rochadi Tawaf) - The Impact of Productive Female Slaughter in Relation to Indonesia Breeding Program : from socioeconomic perspective
7. Lembu Jantan Perkasa (Ketut Wisana) - LJP Breeding Experience